Health Insurance Coverage and Financing

CAFP has partnered with AAFP ELI to survey FM physicians and trainees in Colorado to gain a better understanding of their opinions on health insurance coverage and financing. Your voice on health insurance coverage and financing is critical and we thank you for participating. Please consider participating in a short survey about health insurance coverage and financing.

Background: Health insurance in the US is a hotly debated topic, with recent data indicating a shift in public opinion towards a publicly financed system. However, there is limited data on physician opinions. This survey aims to capture family medicine physicians and trainees’ perspectives in Colorado regarding preferred changes to the current system.

Purpose: Your response will help:

  1. Contribute to literature in health insurance reform
  2. Inform organized medicine policy efforts

Eligibility: We welcome perspectives from all family physicians and trainees in Colorado.

Confidentiality: Your responses are confidential, de-identified, and anonymized. Participation is voluntary with no consequences for stopping.

Contact: For questions, contact Jason Rivera at

Thank you for your participation!