Contribute to the CAFP Political Commitee

Contributing to the CAFP Political Committee is an easy way to get involved in promoting family medicine and the value it brings to keeping Coloradans healthy.

The CAFP Political Committee is a financial vehicle through which Colorado family physicians can support state-level candidates who will support family medicine at the State Capitol. Candidates are considered on the basis of their support for issues important to the practice of family medicine.

Reasons to donate:

  • To improve the delivery of health care in the state of Colorado.
  • To help put family physicians on equal footing with other health care providers.
  • To ensure your voice will be heard on Colorado’s Capitol Hill.
  • To educate current legislators on the importance of family medicine.
  • It’s an easy and worthwhile way to get involved.
  • CAFP PC is the ONLY political organization whose sole mission is to promote family physicians and family medicine in Colorado.

How to Contribute:

  • $625 is the maximum amount that each person is allowed to give per 2-year election cycle. Smaller contributions are welcome.
  • Donate by credit card using the form below or make checks payable to CAFP PC, and send contributions to: CAFP, 303 E 17th Ave STE 400, Denver, CO 80220.

CAFP Political Committee Donations

The following information is required by the Colorado Secretary of State.


Donation Details

$ Amount

Questions? Contact Director of Policy and Government Relations, Neal K. Walia at 720-248-7725 or
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