Advertise with family physicians in Colorado!
Are you or your business dedicated to helping family physicians? Do you have a family physician job opening you would like to fill? The Colorado Academy of Family Physicians has a number of advertising opportunities you can take advantage of.
For further inquiries on your options and how to advertise with family physicians in Colorado, please contact Emily Bishop, Director of Communications and Member Engagement, at
Email Marketing
Reach the inboxes of the physicians CAFP represents.
Cost: $1,000 per email (50% discount offered to CAFP members).
Place your digital advertisement in the CAFP weekly e-newsletter. Cost: $500 (1 issue); $2,400 (6 issues); $3,600 (12 issues) (50% discount offered to CAFP members)
Colorado Family Physician Magazine
Transitioning publishers. Please contact
Job Listings
Health eCareers – Health eCareers is the official online job bank of the Colorado Academy of Family Physicians and provides the most targeted source for Family Physician placement and recruitment. Accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week, Health eCareers taps into one of the fastest growing professions in the U.S. Please visit or call 1-888-884-8242.
Special Discount Program
If your business would like to offer an ongoing discount to family physicians, consider being a part of the Colorado Academy of Family Physicians special discount program. Please contact us for more information on this program.
Website Advertising
The CAFP offers website advertising through MultiView. For inquiries about web advertising please contact or call 972-409-5600 to be connected with a representative who can help discuss your advertising needs.
Surveying CAFP Members
The CAFP welcomes inquiries from individuals conducting research who need family medicine participants. The CAFP charges $500 for survey emails to our members. Because of the high volume of requests we receive, we ask that anyone interested please complete the form linked here. Not all research / survey requests will be approved.
For further inquiries on all of these advertising opportunities, please contact Ryan Biehle at 303-696-6655 x1 or