September is Healthy Aging Month

September marks Healthy Aging Month, as well as World Alzheimer’s Month. In recognition of the positive effect primary care has on staying healthy as we age, Health is Primary is offering a number of resources to physicians and patients.

  • The U.S. population is expected to increase 18 percent from 2005 to 2025, with the population over age sixty-five growing by 73 percent. The over-sixtyfive group seeks care from generalists (primary care physicians) at twice the rate of people under age sixty-five.
    (Health Affairs, 2009)
  • Within each of the fifty U.S. states, a greater supply of primary care physicians is associated with improved quality and reduced costs for Medicare beneficiaries, whereas a lower supply and a higher specialist-to population ratio are associated with lower quality of care and higher costs.
    (Health Affairs, 2009)
  • Older adults who obtain clinical preventive services and practice healthy behaviors are more likely to remain healthy and functionally independent.
    (Cranksaw, 2002, CDC)
  • Family physicians are a critical source of primary care for older Americans and elderly people living in rural areas are particularly dependent on family physicians for primary care.
    (JABFM, May-June, 2009)


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