Payment Reform


CAFP Supports the Colorado Affordable Health Care Option

The Colorado legislature recently introduced House Bill 20-1349, a bill which will create a public insurance option for the state. As the legislature deliberates on this bill, CAFP supports its tenets, as it enhances primary care and expands healthcare access for Colorado families.  Too many Coloradans are struggling to afford the healthcare they need. Families across the state cannot afford the rising…

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Payment Reform for Primary Care: Where does the CAFP’s Primary Care Investment Strategy fit in?

By Stephanie Gold, MD The Primary Care Investment Strategy The CAFP is pursuing a Primary Care Investment Strategy (PCIS) with the aims of: 1) accurately measuring how much is being spent on primary care in Colorado 2) increasing spending on primary care to a target of 15% of total health care spending 3) requiring increasing…

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Primary Care is Undervalued. What Now?

By Michael J. Pramenko, MD Stop the press. Public and private payers take note. Primary Care in the United States is undervalued.  Surely, and sarcastically speaking, primary care providers are shocked by this news. In medicine and public policy, we like to believe that we follow the evidence and let facts guide the implementation of…

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What is the Value of a Patient Centered Medical Home?

By Zach Wachtl, MD Going to the doctor can be very different these days, especially if you consider how it contrasts with experiences 50, 25, or even 10 years ago. Perhaps in the past, or in some places today, when you got sick you sat in a waiting room, had your vitals taken, waited in…

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Primary Care Spending: A sample of current research and state policies

by Gina Carr, MD Despite the knowledge that societies with a better primary care orientation have better outcomes as well as increased efficiency and better perceptions of patient experience of care, we are not yet routinely incentivizing primary care providers (PCPs) and services. Why is the societal value of reduced mortality rates, reduced rates of…

Primary Care Payment Reform
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Making Primary Care Payment Reform a Reality Today

by Monica Morris, DO, CAFP President The CAFP is excited to announce we are launching a new initiative to increase the investments being made in primary care to at least 15% of total health spending, double what we spend today. This initiative will accelerate the move to paying for high value services like primary care,…

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Registration for 2017 CPCC Convening Now Open

Join the Colorado Primary Care Collaborative for  Primary Care Payment & Delivery Reform: What’s on the Horizon This 1-day event explores the state and national payment reform climate, diverse forms of payment and practice, and the integral role primary care must play.    It is designed for providers, payers, employers, business and community leaders, and all…

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CAFP Joins Colorado Quality Payment Program Coalition

In 2017 Medicare will roll out the largest change to Medicare Part B payment since 1997 through the implementation of the Quality Payment Program (QPP) in an effort to drive clinician engagement and enhance the quality, cost effectiveness and health of the population. The Colorado QPP Coalition has been formed to help clinicians* and their…

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Medicaid Primary Care Bump: On To The Governor’s Office

Today (Monday, April 25) the CAFP has asked Governor John Hickenlooper to sign House Bill 1408, the funding vehicle for the Medicaid Primary Care Bump, as part of the total budget package. You can read a copy of the letter sent from the Academy here. There are many things to know about this bill and…

Colorado Family Physicians Delivering Low Cost High Quality Care

Colorado Family Physicians Prove Low Cost is High Value

What Makes Healthcare in Grand Junction Colorado So Special? Colorado family physicians are some of the most innovative in the country, we’ve known that for a long time! But physicians in Grand Junction are gaining national attention for having some of the highest quality care, at the lowest costs, in the country. Check out the…


Medicaid Primary Care Bump: Physician’s Voice

The Medicaid Primary Care Bump has proven vital to Colorado’s family physicians, patients and communities. Below, Dr. Glenn Madrid, Colorado Academy of Family Physician’s President and Chair, discusses why the bump matters to him.   To learn more about the Medicaid Primary Care Bump and it’s effect on Colorado’s family physicians and patients, click here.