
COVID-19 Resources
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COVID-19 Resources

Updated December 2022 Public Health Resources Starting January 1, 2023, Coloradans who need help making an appointment by phone to get a COVID-19 vaccine or need vaccine information should use the CDC’s free COVID-19 vaccine hotline at 1-800-232-0233. CDC information for healthcare workers on COVID-19. CDPHE interactive map of testing sites. Vaccination information Treatment information…


CAFP Supports the Colorado Affordable Health Care Option

The Colorado legislature recently introduced House Bill 20-1349, a bill which will create a public insurance option for the state. As the legislature deliberates on this bill, CAFP supports its tenets, as it enhances primary care and expands healthcare access for Colorado families.  Too many Coloradans are struggling to afford the healthcare they need. Families across the state cannot afford the rising…


VAERS – Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System

What is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)? VAERS is a passive reporting system established in 1990 as a national early warning system to detect possible safety concerns in U.S.-licensed vaccines. The program, co-managed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), accepts and analyzes…

CAFP Supports Colorado Flavor Ban

CAFP Supports Colorado Flavor Ban

The Colorado Academy of Family Physicians has joined fourteen other organizations to support HB20-1319, which is a bipartisan measure to end the sale of flavored tobacco products in Colorado. The ban will apply to the sale of flavored e-cigarettes, cigars, menthol cigarettes, other flavored tobacco products, and products intended to be added to cigarettes, tobacco…


What Colorado Doctors Can Do in the Face of a Severe Influenza Outbreak

This is a guest post from Gergory Gahm, MD. It contains his opinion as a clinician and is not necessarily reflective of the views of CAFP or its membership. If any of our members would like to continue this conversation, be in touch and we’ll host the conversation. We are buried in Influenza and almost…


IQIP: New Immunization Quality Improvement Program

Immunization Quality Improvement for Providers (IQIP) is the new Quality Improvement (QI) program from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that replaced the Assessment, Feedback, Incentive, eXchange (AFIX) program.  In 1995, the Senate instructed CDC to “ensure that all states/awardees receiving immunization infrastructure/operational grant funds conduct annual provider assessments in all public-sector clinics…


CDC Updates on Wuhan Coronavirus

The CDC has created an information hub for doctors and other health care professionals to be informed about the novel coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China, designated 2019-nCoV. There is limited information available so far about the virus, its symptoms, and specific treatment. The information hub has information on risk assessment, laboratory and clinical information, and…

CAFP Won a Major Victory for Primary Care Investment, Advanced Increase in 2020

CAFP Won a Major Victory for Primary Care Investment, Advanced Increase in 2020

As an early adopter of the patient-centered medical home (PCMH) model of care delivery, Colorado has been at the forefront of practice innovation. While primary care makes up more than half of all medical appointments, in the U.S. we have invested less than 10% of our health care dollars in primary care. This results in…

The 2020 CAFP Awards

The 2020 CAFP Awards

CAFP is thrilled to announce the winners of the 2020 CAFP Awards. We had outstanding nominees this year, which made picking a winner difficult. Each doctor who was put forward represents the talent, dedication, and deep care that family physicians bring to their communities. We couldn’t be prouder of these winners and will honor them…

Improving HPV Vaccination Rates at the Health Systems Level

The Alliance for HPV Free Colorado is taking its effort to improve youth vaccination rates to the health systems level. With a new grant, the coalition is working across northeastern Colorado to provide best practices to increase HPV vaccinations to large health systems that serve the region. The Alliance is a collaborative group of multidisciplinary…