
2016 CAFP Annual Summit Wrap-Up

Thank You to All of Our Attendees, Presenters and Exhibitors!

We had a great time at the 2016 CAFP Annual Summit (formerly Scientific Conference), and hope our attendees did too! Check out highlights from the event below.

If you were in attendance, don’t forget to fill out you evaluations at wordpress-1017995-3661935.cloudwaysapps.com/evaluations. Looking to report your CME? You can do so here. Under “Live Events” choose “Course, conference or series.” Set your start date as April 14, 2016 and your end date as April 17, 2016. Choose Colorado as the state, and Colorado AFP as the provider. CME credits for the full conference can then be found under “2016 Colorado Academy of Family Physicians Annual Summit.”

Save the Date

Join us for the 2017 CAFP Annual Summit, April 20-23, at Cheyenne Mountain Resort in Colorado Springs.

Event Photos

CAFP Annual Summit

CAFP Annual Summit

CAFP Annual Summit

CAFP Annual Summit